.:11.09.2011:.     Paraswift Film online!
The film of the Paraswift Film-Shooting is available on YouTube: play. A second film shows the climbing skills of the robot on different wall types: play. Furthermore various online articles were released, which broach the issue of Paraswift:

.:23.05.2011:.     Fantastic Film Shooting!
Last Saturday, the Paraswift Robot was filmed by a professional film crew (www.avarelstudios.ch). The film shooting took place on the Polyterasse, the weather was perfect! The robot climbed up the ETH main building on a nice red carpet and showed his basejumping skills perfectly. You find some impressions within the category "multimedia"; there you will also find the official Paraswift video at the beginning of June. Enjoy!

.:11.05.2011:.     Rollout invitation!
Team Paraswift invites you cordially to participate in the Rollout event. All the MAVT focus projects will be presented. Of course, we will have time for your questions and discussions after the presentation. Feel free to come by; we look forward to getting to know you!
Start: 31st of May 2011, 16:15, ETH Zurich main building, main hall


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